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Greetings From Paris on the Kuskokwim  

The roads are rough, the weather's bad, the stories are strange. But hey--there's no other place like it in the world.

Download the title song: Paris on the Kuskokwim. 3.8 megs

Mike and SophieWith the help of some of Bethel's most notorious musicians, Michael Faubion (MY-kull FAH-bee-un) sets the grit, spirit, flavor, drama, and odor of Bethel to music. From the Ice Road to the Sewer Lagoon, from Lousetown to Tundra Ridge, it's all covered. Sit down with some fish strips and fry bread and let the truth sink in...

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The Songs

Greetings From Paris on the Kuskokwim
Bethel Cab Driver
Ice Road
Water Day
Badass Rig
I've Been Everywhere in Alaska
Beating Around the Bush
Alphabet Soup
Brown Slough Boogie
The Last Place on Earth

(click a title to view lyrics, hear a clip, download, )

Special Guests

(in order of appearance)

Martha Scott
Archie Barnes
The Tundra Sisters
Brian Sanders
Bobby Gregory
Tod Nedrow
Mark Jenkins

What kind of music is it, anyway?

You want categories? Okay--There's a folkish-country tune, a couple of pop standard-type tunes, a down-and-dirty blues thing, a calypso-Bo Diddly ditty, a rock-and-roll song, an instrumental, an a-capella and one song that's, well, kind of serious. The songs are all different, but they're all good. Even if you think you don't like some of these categories, you'll like these songs.


How can I get it?

For the time being, you'll only be able to buy "Greetings From Paris on the Kuskokwim" the old-fashioned mail order way--send a check or money order for $15 for each CD ($10 for each cassette while they last) to:

Uncle Mike's Music Works
P.O. Box 200453
Anchorage, Alaska 99520

Includes postage, handling and the cost of a padded envelope!

(Don't forget to tell me who to send it to)

I'm not set up for you to use your credit card over the Internet. Frankly, I'm a little skeptical of doing it, although like everybody else in America and many others throughout the world, it doesn't bother me much to give my credit card number to a stranger on the phone. So far I haven't had any dreadful experiences. The stuff I order gets sent quickly and I haven't had any mysterious charges appear on my credit card statement. However, when it comes to selling on the web, there are a bunch of set-up and maintenance expenses and jeez, I've only got this one product.

Maybe one of these days one of the on-line CD distributors will pick up my CD and you'll be able to buy it elsewhere. But for now this is the only way. And for your trouble, I'll personally autograph the CD if you ask me to and include you on my mailing list (that is, if you want me to. If you don't want to know about future releases, work in progress, or what I did on my summer vacation, just say so.)

--Michael F.

Greetings From Paris on the Kuskokwim is available in Bethel at the Moravian Bookstore, the Sourdough Gift Shop and Bentley's B&B

In Anchorage, please visit Metro Music & Books on Benson across from the Sears Mall or check at the Cook Inlet Bookstore downtown. Or call me at 258-2877
